Steve Attix, founder of Del Ray School of Music, has been teaching music for over 32 years, 28 of which have been in Northern Virginia. Steve began teaching in the DelRay community back in the early 90’s at Gordon Keller Music, a locally owned and family operated music store that was located at the corner of Mt Vernon and Monroe Avenue, where the South Side Restaurant is now located. In the year 2000 the late Gordon Keller helped Steve start what is now the DelRay School of Music, at Gordon Kellers Old Town location. “The Keller family were very supportive in helping me realize my dream of opening the first all encompassing music school in our community and their family's moral support helped me build the school’s educational foundation that survives to this day.
As a teacher Ive always wanted to try and help change peoples lives in a positive way through helping them educationally with the magic, beauty and life enhancing change music can bring to all of us. My life has been spent happily helping others with the comprehension, understanding and realization of the gift of music in our lives.” In 2005, Steve open his store on the avenue, and has continued to bring music into the community.
Steve was born in West Suffolk, UK began playing piano at the age of 7. He attended the School for Creative and Performing Arts in Cincinnati, Ohio where he was focused into the instrumental music studies and music theory. After high school Steve attended Jacksonville University where he studied guitar performance. Mr. Attix is a multi-instrumentalist that reads fluently in all music clefs and teaches all styles of music.