Celestial Strings Program

Celestial Strings offers all our classes in a fun, educational live and virtual online class setting.
The Del Ray School of Music offers private string instruction for Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass.
We also offer our Celestial Strings Ensemble Program.
Music education in our public school system provides a well balanced level of education to all students. With growing music departments in the area, students often find themselves under pressure to perform to standards that are overwhelming, or are not advanced enough for their abilities.
Each student is a superstar, and at Del Ray School of Music, we want to help students in strings achieve their own personal goals while performing in a group atmosphere.
Welcome to Celestial Strings, a quartet program designed for your child to achieve performance goals with others of the same ability.
At Del Ray School of Music hungry students, musicians, young and old to flourish in a musically rich environment filled with music theory, technical study mastery with orchestral and small ensemble study in a one on one and team oriented friendly environment.
The program foundations are based on a weekly private half hour lesson with one of the school’s Celestial Strings teachers and weekly 1 hour group ensemble class in which students merge in a meeting of group conceptual music integration they have studied in their weekly private lessons.
Every 3 month semester the program progresses to a public performance opportunity providing and encouraging performance opportunities for all of our ensemble groups.